Js's journey
April 26, 2017

Penang Triathlon 2017

Posted on April 26, 2017  •  4 minutes  • 641 words
Table of contents

Before I sign up for this, my bicycle was parking at home for long long time, I think, since I already bought the bicycle, then I must go for race. Otherwise will be wasted. Thus, I signed up.

Race bib

I think this is my lucky number.

After race bib collection, there is a dinner & briefing at the night before the race. I met a few friends during briefing. One of them asked me, “How was your training?” I told him, “I almost no prepare for it, due to busy of work.”

It’s true, that’s why I said before sign up, I was considering…

Before the race, I did only 1x pool swimming ๐ŸŠ (about 1km I guess), 2x cycling ๐Ÿšต (23km & 15km), running also stopped for few weeks after TITI ultra 50k.

I noticed the cutoff time was 5 hours. Because last year (PGiTD 2016) was 5:30 hours… so I was a bit worry about that. Last year my result was almost 5 hours, and also, I did more training compare to this year. So? Theoritically I suppose to take longer time to complete the course than last year right?

One of my buddy that I met him in PGiTD 2016, he told me to enjoy the race. Wow~ so I got it… Let’s enjoy it

Race day

Early morning I went to the race site from Bayan Lepas, so I 4:30am depart, as it took about 1 hour to travel from the place I stay. Then I reached at 5:30am, so I still have some time to get my bike ready, drink protein & bodykey, take some supplements… That’s my light breakfast

Check in bike

Then went to check in the bike


The blue XDS is mine

walk to shuttle bus

Then have to walk about 500 meters to take the shuttle bus to the swim site.

Go down from shuttle bus


Check in swim transition bag

This is the place where we hang our transition bag according to our bib number

The swimming part is divided into 2 loops, 750 meters each. During the first loop, so many swimmers was kicking here and there… I’m not so used to it, and then I slow down and let others go first…

2nd loop, was smoother as getting less and less swimmers already.

When I get up, I heard someone said they get stung by jellyfish ๐Ÿ˜ฑ . Luckily I don’t…

stairecase shortcut

After swim, we have to run about 2.5km back to the transition area to take our bike (is a bit different from other triathlon)

According to the organiser, this is the shortcut that ready for us to get there. Lol

stairecase shortcut

So long…

stairecase shortcut

So hot…

running to the dam

And… few hundred meters left to get the bicycle…


get the bike

The cycling part was in the hill, up and down (about 10km I guess). The GO way, beginning was up hill, not that tired actually, not so steep also. It’s fun when going down hill. Then in kampung area about 10km also, is flat road.

Then the challenging part has come… After U-turn to the BACK way, when I reached the up hill… hmmm… it’s like hell! So damn tired, my leg. I felt like very long hours there, and very long journey!!! But, I didn’t stop along the way, I just keep telling myself, later down hill is my rest time. When I reach the down part, thanks god! I can rest now~



We run with a very nice view.

The tough part is, I run under hot sun, around 10:30am++ ~ 11am++. It’s hard to run, because of dehydration.

The lucky part is, every 2 ~ 3km has a water station.

Banana running

The last station, we were given bananas

Enjoy the race

When I said, enjoy the race


Finishing line

When I cross the finishing line! Of course, the first thing to do is, take photo โœŒ๏ธ

Medal front

Medal back

The medal

PGiTD 2017 result

Total time: 4:23:17 โœŒ๏ธ

Not so bad right?

Enjoy the race! Enjoy the pain!

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running, hiking, trail running, swimming, cycling, travel