Js's journey
August 6, 2017

My 1st Solo Night Trail Run

Posted on August 6, 2017  •  3 minutes  • 464 words

Why I have this thought? Probably I can say is some stress & thinking chaos. Last night I have less than 5 hours of sleep, and some other issues caused me to rush here rush there. Also, skipped lunch and went for a seminar (to duty).

Hungry… Tired… Cold (the air cond)… Other things on hand… I can’t get my mind cleared. Thus, I decided to try something I never done before —— have a short run in Bukit Gasing.

Before that, I was thinking whether to go or not, or just take a rest… Then I know the FEAR is stopping me, my little voice is stopping me… I know the principle is, the more you fear, the more you must go for it! YES 💪 , then I go back and change clothes, bring my Black Diamond headlamp, change to trail running shoes, just as minimal as possible.

Of course, I put Allano lotion in my body, because I know there will have a lot of mosquito

Allano lotion

Then, I went Bukit Gasing after having my dinner.

Gasing entrance

No one is hiking there, and is very dark inside the trail. Not complete dark because of moonlight

Full moonlight

After taken some photos, I run in straight away. Because if I doubt for longer time, the bigger fear I have!

I follow the usual route that I know, because too many routes inside (I get lost a few times when I was hiking in the morning). Night time none of single person is inside other than me, so I must be very be careful, because if I get lost, no one will point me the correct direction.

Of course, I have some experience running in the dark in trail, during ultra trail event. But this is different, no one in front of me; no one behind of me; no one in left or right besides me, quite scary also.

During the run, I felt a bit tired when going up hill. But I didn’t stop at all, at most is slow down a bit, my mind is pretty clear, only one thing —— to get out of the trail. I didn’t turn my head left or right, not even turn back, I don’t care what is behind me, I only look in front, 1 meter in front, seldom look further distance. What I take care of is, 3~4 steps in front of me. From here, I understand a word —— FOCUS. I seldom so focus before. Is the FEAR make me focus, make me neglect of pain & tire…

Once I get out of the trail, I felt relieved. Once I reached home, I felt relax~ Really a great experience from this.

After workout, sure need to take protein for faster recovery

Nutrilite for recovery

#nutrilite #salomon #suunto #compresssport #blackdiamond

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running, hiking, trail running, swimming, cycling, travel