Js's journey
December 16, 2019

MMTF 2019 - 55KM

Posted on December 16, 2019  •  4 minutes  • 796 words
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After 1 year, I’m back to MMTF again, and this is also my only ultra race in 2019. Well, I can say, this is my most unprepared ultra race, due to busy with works (and lazy ๐Ÿ˜†).

MMTF run site

I reached run site at 6pm, from KL.



Is very crowded in race entry pack collection.


3 of us, 13KM, 25KM, 55KM (is me ๐Ÿ˜‰).

MMTF elevation profile

MMTF race bib

After collected race pack, they provide dinner there

MMTF dinner

MMTF mandatory items

Check the mandatory items checklist, then I only noticed

Salomon soft flask

It’s Salomon, I thought it will be long lasting. But who knows, I only use a few times, in ultra race. Initially I prepared total 1.5 litre of water, but now only left 1 litre ๐Ÿคจ

Race day

MMTF race day

I arrived run site at around 7:40am, plan to buy a soft flask. But many booth not open yet.

MMTF race

MMTF race

This year start at morning, which I feel way better than last year (start at 9pm). More fresh and not as tired as last year.

From starting point to CP1, I noticed 1 of my trekking pole cannot be locked. So I only use 1 pole, and carry the other pole until CP1. My aunts and friends are helper in CP1, then I just passed the unused pole to them. Of course, 2 poles are better, but no choice, I didn’t check earlier ๐Ÿ˜…

In CP1 here, the banana are whole piece, quite a lot of food there, but I only ate 1 banana, and don’t feel like eating much.

Not stop too long, and continue move on to CP2.

MMTF race

MMTF race

This year trail is much dry and not slippery compared to last year.

In this route, is quite tough for me, I guess probably is because I lack of training.


This is memorable place, last year I DNF here. I took 6 hours to reach this CP in 2018. But this year, I took 4:40+ only. Also, the COT for this year is 6 hours, 30 minutes longer than last year (was 5:30 hours).




Hungry already. The banana are cut into half (in CP1 was whole piece). I ate 1, then no more. LOL. Then I eat cake


From CP2 to CP3, is the longest, and toughest, so I think I need 1.5 litre of water. But there didn’t have small bottle, ended up I need to carry the whole bottle, in hand, along the journey ๐Ÿคฆ

I was plan to DNF at CP3 (Angkasa), because I think, I totally no training for this race, it should be quite impossible to complete ๐Ÿค” So, I walk a while, sit and rest for a while, walk, sit, walk, sit… for don’t know how many KM…

In around 900m elevation, I thought is reaching the peak soon, so I rest less, and keep walking. In fact, I walked for quite long time, then only reached

Bukit Larut TM tower

Finally, reached the TM tower, from here until CP4, all the way tar road ๐Ÿคฉ

Bukit Larut TM tower

Bukit Larut TM tower

Bukit Larut TM tower

Nutrilite protein

Refill with Nutrilite protein ๐Ÿ˜

Walking in tar road is quite comfortable. Soon, reached CP3


Reached CP3, I have 2 hours buffer, so I think I should be able to finish the race. Drink some hot coffee, eat some cake, then move on…


I think CP3 to CP4, I took around 2 hours, 10KM, all the way tar road, and going down hill

MMTF CP4 dinner

MMTF CP4 dinner

MMTF CP4 dinner

This is my dinner, it looks simple, but very delicious. Was very hungry

I took rest, and dinner around 30 minutes. Then depart again on 7:40pm.

Now CP4 to CP5 need headlamp already. And also going back to trail ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

I started to feel tired again, some more night time hard to see. The given time for this is 2 hours, but I have 1 hour+ buffer. It took me about 2:30 hours to reach CP5.


CP5 is actually CP2, the same place. When reached CP5, there has no food, only drink, so I didn’t stop for long, because the time I feel like a bit tight.

From CP5 to finishing line, I saw the elevation profile, seems not very high. In fact, I was super tired, and hiking up, even though is not that much of trail.

At the end, reached finishing line at 12:30am, total 16.5 hours, which is 30min before COT. Is quite hard to believe I make it, without training ๐Ÿ˜‚

MMTF result

When reached finishing line, only get a medal, and a finisher T. Nothing much else, and I straight away go back home, because really tired. Long time didn’t push my body to such an extend.

MMTF strava

MMTF medal


Actually, this time I can complete, LUCK is 1 of the key, because the day before the race, has no rain, during the race day, no rain, and no hot sun, super nice weather.

I think, if raining that day, I may be DNF again. Thanks god ๐Ÿ˜Œ

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