Js's journey
January 1, 2019

2019 new year hike in Gunung Nuang

Posted on January 1, 2019  •  2 minutes  • 393 words
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What people usually do in new year? Shopping, stay at home, etc.

This is not my first time hiking in 1st January.

I have been here 2 years ago, in Christmas day. Now come back again

We reached the entrance around 10:50am. Quite late and hot already.

Gunung Nuang entrance

To enter, have to register and pay RM2/person, I think is about the same as 2 years ago. Inflation affected here ๐Ÿ˜†

The beginning path, is highway, means car can pass through, wide & easy trail.

Gunung Nuang - the actual trail entrance

After about 5KM, then only reached the actual trail. We took around 1 hour+ to reach.

Gunung Nuang - the actual trail entrance

Gunung Nuang - waterfall

Begin to see waterfall here, there’s a way to turn and cross over the waterfall, after a short distance from the entrance.

Gunung Nuang - waterfall

Waterfall along the way. Here the elevation all the way up

Gunung Nuang - mini river crossing

There are few mini rivers, but cross over confirm shoes will get wet.

Gunung Nuang - mini river crossing

Gunung Nuang - mini river crossing with rope

There’s a rope there, quite easy to cross over

Gunung Nuang - closing to kem pacat

Took 3 hours+, finally reached the Kem Pacat. 2 years ago I also hike until here. Today also the same.

Gunung Nuang - kem pacat drinking XS energy drink

We took a short break here (around 15 minutes), eat some bread and have some energy drink. It’s important to have some food & drink, to refuel ๐Ÿฉ ๐Ÿธ

I thought going down-hill should be faster, but end up, about the same like up-hill.

Gunung Nuang - washing face refresh

Here to wash face to cool down the heat (afternoon hike, heat is normal)

Gunung Nuang - the actual trail entrance

Finally, about 5 hours to come back the the highway, 4KM around 2 hours going down-hill. Fast? Slow? Doesn’t matter, just enjoy the hike.

After the long highway

Gunung Nuang - entrance

Finally, we back the the entrance. Here’s after photo. Smile or cry ๐Ÿคฃ

Remember to checkout when back to the entrance, they need to ensure everyone are safe.


Hiking can be one of the good choice in festive season

If you are first timer, and plan to go Nuang, you can try to go until Kem Pacat.

6 hours should be quite standard speed, and prepare

P/S: I’m not reached the summit, so I think 1.5 litre may not enough for some people if hike to summit, especially in hot weather.

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running, hiking, trail running, swimming, cycling, travel